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On the Issue of Kharma

Writer's picture: Sean BartlettSean Bartlett

There is this idea floating around that what you send out will rebound itself back unto you, in a metaphysical attempt to reestablish balance. Whether or not there is anything mystical about it, or in fact if anything mystical is anything other than reality—since metaphysics suggests the physics underlying physics—this is beyond the scope of my writing. But what I will now write about is how Kharma seems to play out in the conscious and unconscious minds of individuals.

When I make myself a ball of light, and all of my outward expressions are positive—the question of kharma arises, and the naïve understanding of this kharma is the idea that it is a “force” that interferes—from the outside as it were—to correct the world by providing positive energy back to me. I call this understanding naïve because this “force” is so labeled due to an observation that the world seems to actually work this way, but because some people do not understand why, they personify it and make it out to be a kind of divine justice.

We can watch kharma play out here: Say I am kind to everybody around me. Who among them will deny kindness back to me? If it is obvious that I am filled with agape love towards all humanity, how many people will be able to force a frown at me?

Jealousy and hate seem to be inward experiences of individuals who are negative simply because of a deficiency within themselves, and so I will understand that any forced frowns from these people have nothing to do with me. But in their perspective, others will also hate them such that their inward experience matches their outward experience. When I protrude hate, others will hate. And just like this, if I protrude love, others will love. Not only this, but If I protrude honest love, it is because my internal expereince is itself love, and so even if all others hate, it will not null out any experienced positive kharma.

With this understanding, we can feel a kind of “force” at play in the common world, but yet now, we have categorized the “force” as a projection of the self. And again to our chagrin, we find true the eternal idea that all things predicate upon our subjective experience. What we observe, how we observe, how others interact with us---and probably more---how the “cold-objective world” interacts with us since it is indeed alive and connected to us through our conscious or unconscious interface with it. This last point is not understood by the cold calculated unspiritual mind however, so its best to not bring this up to those people who still blame the external world for their own faults.

Ironically enough, it is this outward blaming expression that denies kharma. For kharma is a doctrine of the subjective, and any objective doctrine will deny it—even when it is as logically laid out as I have just done. Furthermore, the idea that we can act without consequence in any capacity is already an axiom to those who think that nothing is connected. This reminds me of someone who discretely does an evil act, and feels guilty for that act. Even though nobody may find out, the act produces guilt which tarnishes the very air they breathe, and by extension their inward experiences and onto their outward experiences. How can someone who feels guilty, not implicitly understand that they have violated some law of connection?

With these considerations, we can now ask this question to ourselves: Whenever we feel that an injustice has been committed by someone, why do we assume that “justice” must be enforced? We hold this belief on the assumption that this unjust individual hasn’t already created a hell within their own life. By suing their neighbors, by dominating their friends, they now live in a world completely isolated form human connection. Further, they become isolated from the spiritual world, which is the granter of all that is meaningful and beautiful, simply because they wanted a perceived good without good conscience to those around them. This is a sort of Faustian contract they sign; and we must be fools ourselves to not see this. And foolishness itself, breeds a negative kharma onto the fool. It is the fool after all in stories who the Gods laugh at. Side-show Bob from the Simpsons is a perfect example of this fool when he steps on a rake and its handle slams into his face.

This is a philosophy of life: To love fate, to be like Job. God giveth and God taketh away. Care not what is yours, for yours only is the kingdom of heaven.

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